Book Review: I Funny


513SV5m0pgL._SL500_AA300_PIaudible,BottomRight,13,73_AA300_‘I Funny’ by James Patterson is an inspirational story of a boy named Jamie who is a great comedian. He loves making jokes about pretty much anything. It all comes to use when his uncle Frankie tells him about the ‘The Funniest Kid On The Planet Contest’, and suggests he sign up as he is hysterical and has a shot at winning. Jamie, who is a victim of a crazy accident that left his family dead and him handicapped, listens to his uncle and travels to New York city on a wheelchair to sign up. He follows the 3P’s (practice, prepare, and perform) that he believes in. After weeks of practise, the big day arrives. Jamie wakes up at the crack of dawn and goes to Ronkonkoma in Long Island for the comedy contest.

After a long wait, Jamie is finally onstage. He’s ready to kick some butt with his jokes! Jamie starts with his funniest joke (in  my opinion) where a substitute teacher asks,  “are you chewing gum young man?” and he said, “No, I’m Jamie Grimm.” As Jamie continues, he makes the audience laugh like crazy until his turn is over. After all the people are done, and the break is over, the standings arrive.

I think Jamie will win this first round, and all others because he is funny, loves public speaking, has good jokes, and is very confident. These characteristics make a very good comedian.

I suggest this book for people who want to become great public speakers or comedian. If you are feeling sad, reading this book will make you feel happy and thankful that you are in such a great world and its fortunate to have a family. Jamie, even in his toughest circumstances, did not give up his dream of becoming a comedian and his character is an inspiration to all the kids out there who want to become their hometown hero.

Happy Reading!



If you want to read this book, you can borrow it at your local library, or purchase it online by following this link: I Funny  ( This is an Audiobook from Audible)

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Posted in Book Review
One comment on “Book Review: I Funny
  1. Many says:

    Getting it for my son tomorrow. He loves kids comedy, plus this is inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

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